Bergen Catholic has been a 1:1 laptop school since 2002. As a college-preparatory school of 730 students, a computer-based testing solution was a necessity. In March 2015, we implemented ExamSoft with the goal of administering over 5,000 final exams in a paperless format. ExamSoft is a cloud-based solution that provides secure testing on a variety of platforms.
One of the most important components of ExamSoft is the wealth of learner analytical data that is available. Teachers can view exam-level data including KR20, average scores, and standard deviation. Teachers can also view item-level data such as answer breakdowns (right/wrong), answer frequencies, and average answer times. What is unique about ExamSoft is that exam-taker activity can be thoroughly studied. Teachers can view the order in which students navigate through questions, their answer choice pattern, and any device-related events that impeded their test-taking. All of this data is used to make curricular decisions and pinpoint future focus areas.
My presentation will include a demonstration of the various types of questions that can be employed. Samples of learner analytical data will also be shared and discussed. Finally, there will be a brief mention of the steps Bergen Catholic used to employ this testing solution.